Victory in Auburn over wage theft from factory workers!

Lightning fast win – solidarity and direct action work!


The back story

SydSol and the ASF-IWA were contacted by Melinda, Sheila, Suko and Ulya, working holiday makers from Indonesia who worked at a factory in May and June and still had not been paid. They had collectively worked 34 days and were owed over $4,000, but despite promises (to pay… always later) they had not seen a cent.


Time for action

With our support, the workers protested a restaurant in Auburn owned by the same person as the factory they had worked at on 26 August. We gave out leaflets, chanted, talked to people passing by and made the situation known. Now thanks to SydSol and ASF-IWA supporters as well as public support from the community, the workers were finally paid today 29 August.

Thank you to all involved, and keep an eye out for similar situations – this story demonstrates that collective action can be very powerful. Share it and inspire those around you to fight social injustice inflicted on themselves or others! Sign up to our supporters email list, to get updates and action alerts: and contact SydSol for support in your fights.

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